Thursday, February 24, 2011

Not "In The Mood"...

Physical affection is one of the most intimate ways of connecting and bonding with your partner. Though it does not always equate to or guarantee a true emotional connection, it sure can raise hair on our spine with just a a single touch.

So how is that sometimes, he's simply not in the mood?

One of the reasons anyone withdraws or detaches themselves from a relationship, in the name of self-preservation, is they feel rejected. Nobody wants to feel unwanted, especially when we put ourselves out there, just to please our partner physically. So why don't we dissect this ego-crushing scenario to better understand our partner when this happens?

1. He's Just Not That Into You

When we're dating someone, though we feel an intense attraction, it does not necessarily mean he feels exactly the same way. So if he's not responding to your seduction, he may not be physically attracted to you or maybe he's just not into you as you are to him. But don't feel disheartened and unworthy, just because you did not get a favorable reaction from a guy! Just like a shoe, we all have to find the right pair--one that fits comfortably--and this takes time and several tries; you have to be patient. Anything worth something is always worth the wait! If he's not into you, move on and don't take it personally.

2. It's All About R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

Contrary to popular belief, there are still men out there who hold women in such high regard. These men wish to abstain and control their inner urges, out of respect for the women they desire. So, take it as a compliment if the man you're seeing is taking it slow. History has proven that relationships that go on high speed mode often crash and burn. Try to take a breather and see where this kind of pacing takes you both. Besides, you want someone with high endurance who'll relish every moment, and not just be some one-minute man--whether it's in or out of the sack.

3. Failure To Launch

Whenever men feel like failures in the workplace, in the family, or other areas where they feel the need to succeed, this leads to inability to perform in between the sheets. Their partners can only do so much to boost their confidence, but emotional support is crucial since men truly feel vulnerable in this situation. This psychological effect on men oftentimes leads women to feel unwanted. So, before you judge, find out what's up, and realize it may not always be about you. Ok?

4. Chemical Reaction

Any couple can thrive on great chemistry but men's sexual drive and libido can also suffer because of certain chemicals in their body. When men take lots of fat burners in particular, this lowers their testosterone, resulting to not wanting sex. All their physical strength has been poured into working out, that not much is left to do any arduous activities in bed.

Now you know what could lead to sexual rejection. How about you? Have you ever found yourself just not wanting it either? Ahemmmm....

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